Worship place:21925 N Frederick Rd, Boyds, MD; Mailing address:23109 Timber Creek Lane,Clarksburg, MD 20871 9:00am-10:30am


group photo of my familypreach sermon

我来自中国大陆的北京。来美国读神学以前的五年时间一边经营一个装修公司,一边义务牧养三个不同的家庭教会,同时还在地下神学院学习。到了2006年,上帝的呼召我出来全职服事的感动越来越强烈,我就放下了世上的工作,关掉了我的公司,凭信心来到旧金山的基督工人神学院装备学习。 在上帝的一路看顾保守之下,在2009年5月我拿到了圣经研究硕士学位。然后我一边在归正福音教会服事,一边也抓紧时间继续在神学院深造,终于在2013年5月又完成了道学硕士的学习。在我来美国以前,我已经开始学习如何将我的专业知识(我在大陆有四年医学院的专业学习和三年语言学校的训练)和基督信仰结合来响应时代的挑战,在神学院的进深学习更促使我反省如何将神学应用到个人灵命的塑造上和改变社会的行动中。

如以上所述的 ,在过去的10年中,我已经在中国和美国都牧养了几个不同的教会(我在北京牧养过以异议人士、维权律师和作家、画家为主体的方舟教会,也牧养过单纯的中科院的学生团契,也牧养过北京郊区以农民工为主体的中原教会的肖家河分堂)来到美国后我先在传统的康郡福音教会实习,一年后就被陈佐人牧师邀请来到以斯坦福和伯克利的学生为主体的湾区归正福音教会服事至今. 感谢上帝的恩典,我在每个教会的服事中都对弟兄姊妹灵命的成长起了积极的作用,为耶稣基督作了美好的见证,也吸引了许多慕道友来到教会并受洗归入主的名下。我希望我过去的经验能够对新成立的磐石教会有所帮助和积极的贡献。

过去7年来,我的英语也有了很大提高,我的双语能力能够帮助我与讲国语的家长和讲英文的下一代有很好的沟通。我的妻子史延平是我事奉中很好的帮手,她有一颗服事的心志,能与人友好相处,并有很强的亲和力。我们有一个18岁的女儿名叫张睿现在是James Madison University的新生,主修钢琴。她是一个充满活力并很有爱心的基督徒,从小就用她的音乐恩赐来服事神,每个主日为教会司琴并带领崇拜。有时也帮忙教儿童主日学。




I came from Beijing, China, where I had been serving as a pastor in three different house-churches part-time for five years while I was president of a decoration & design company. In 2006, in response to the Lord’s call I made up my mind to give up everything in the world to follow Jesus Christ and became a full-time servant of God. So I closed my business, and applied to CWTS in California, intending to devote my time and energy in theological study. In May, 2009. I received my Master of Biblical Studies degree from CWTS and I got my Master of Divinity from CWTS in May this year. Before I came to the United States, my former professional experiences, my conversion to the Christian faith and my volunteer ministry in China frequently stimulated my reflections on the relationship between real life and faith. Then theological education at CWTS gave me a chance to explore the rich resources of the Christian faith, which in turn formed in me a way of thinking about faith and life. This reflection prepares me to apply my faith to my personal life and helps me to put my Christian faith into action in the society.

As mentioned above, for the past few years, I pastored a couple of churches both in China and America. In each case, I have been thankful that the Lord allowed me to raise the spiritual level of the church, increased its effectiveness to become positive witnesses for Christ, and attracted new members in significant numbers. One case in point is that in my current pastorate, apart from having more people coming to the church, the Lord enabled me to double the Youth fellowship attendance, which is quite a breakthrough as a matter of fact. I was hopeful that I could make positive contribution to the spiritual growth of RCCC.

Over the past seven years, my English has improved. My bi-lingual ability allows me to communicate with the Chinese-speaking adult and their English-speaking children.  My wife, Hannah (史延平), has been a great helper to me. She has the heart of a servant and is very sociable and relational. We have one lovely daughter, named Rui(張睿), age 18, who is a freshman music Major at James Madison University now. She is very energetic and shows great compassion to people and loves to help people. She also plays piano at Sunday worship services in the church. Sometimes she also help teach children in Sunday School.

I heard the gospel of Christ in China in 1999 and was baptized in 2001. In 1989 I joined the Patriotic Democratic Movement in Beijing, China, for which I was sentenced to two years imprisonment by the Chinese government. Before I was imprisoned I attended a medical and a language school. Looking back I know that my prison experience has deepened my understanding of life’s harshness and difficulties. It taught me how to comfort people when they are in suffering and in despair. My medical and language study also prepared me for my pastoral work.

I started serving at the Bay Area Reformed Evangelical Church (BAREC) in Jan. 2008, first as an intern while I was a seminary student, and then as a minister upon my graduation in May 2009. After having served at BAREC for four more years, I was recommended by the Board of Deacons at BAREC, and was duly ordained by the church on Jan.7 2012 (the ordination committee of which was composed of eight pastors from different denominations). As I approached fifty years of age, I am determined to enter another phase of ministry. I had felt the need to start another ministry somewhere else and I prayed to the Lord to open a new door to me. The Holy Spirit guided me to meet with a bunch of brothers and sisters in Clarksburg and to share the vision in August 2012, I was comforted and joyful that the Lord answered my prayer and opened a door for me. On July 28, 2013, we officially formed “The Rock Church of Christ in Clarksburg”.

By the power and wisdom of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the ministry mission of “The Rock Church of Christ in Clarksburg” is to establish evangelism, worship, fellowship, discipleship, outreach, and social care within the Chinese communities in Clarksburg and its surrounding area including Damascus, Boyds, Urbana and Frederick. The core ministry is to serve the Mandarin-speaking immigrants living in montgomery county and meet their spiritual needs.

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